In the previous article- (You Are Not Helpless (Part I)- We touched on some ideas for identifying, screening the candidates to ultimately select the right person for your team. Now you have offered the position and she accepted it; but it is not over yet, there still remains work to be done which is much important as is all the work done so far.

The initial period of the employment is a great opportunity to set the tone, communicate the culture, get to know each other and build a strong base for a long and fruitful relationship. This is not an opportunity to just throw a bunch of paperwork, handbooks and manuals at your new employee, and isolate her in a room. As best-selling author and speaker Jack Daly wisely pointed out, we tend to throw a party when people leave when we instead should throw one when people join our team.

Take some time one on one with your new Team Member, talk to them about your culture, core values and expectations. Ask her why she thinks she got the job; what she will need to be most effective. Match her with who is going to be her go to person for questions, who are you pairing her with for learning, growth and mentoring?

Debrief after the first day, after the first week, first month as well as beyond and have as many conversations as possible for the benefit of both of you. Are there any frustrations to be addressed, any persisting confusion? Has she met everyone and got to know them? Does she understand how her role contributes to the overall goals and vision of the organization?

We are all happier and more encouraged when we have clarity, see our impact through our work and project completion which leads to fulfillment, engagement and overall satisfaction. The conversations should not stop at the interviewing stage but must continue throughout the relationship.

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