Reports & Analytics
Real-Time Reporting
Instantly generate real-time and custom reports with easy-to-understand graphs and charts. You can manipulate current data to sort by various metrics such as business units, job type, hiring manager, etc. When you’re ready, you can export any report to CSV.

Time to Hire
“Time to Hire” reporting accurately reflects your organization’s hiring speed, from when the job was posted to the candidate’s first day. View the number of days by job, business unit, or recruiter. Now you can know exactly how long it takes your organization to recruit!
Candidate Source Performance Report
See where your candidates are coming from and which sources are giving you results. View your top sources by total number of applicants and percentage of hired applicants, giving you an understanding of where you’re finding your most qualified candidates.

Retention and Turnover Reports
Find out if your retention is improving or declining with the help of our rolling retention reports. Look at trends, filter by department, and choose your timespan (e.g. 30 days, 6 months, 3 years, etc.).
The turnover report shows your organization’s turnover within a certain time period and the reasons behind why employees have left.
Create Your Own Questionnaires
Do you ever wonder why your employees are leaving, or what makes them stay? Use TalentNest to design your own confidential questionnaires. This could be used for an Exit Interview, to gather candidate experience, or to survey current employees to find out their needs and expectations.

Interested in Applicant Tracking Software?
Just click the button below to set up a demo with a member of our team.
- We’ll walk you through the system and show you how it can work for your company.
- You’ll have the choice of booking a 15 minute demo or a longer webinar.
- View the demo remotely and at a time that suits you.
- Get pricing information based on your company’s size and number of recruits per year.