MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL, MN, Apr 14, 2015 (Marketwired via COMTEX) — Advanced Credit Technologies, Inc. (otcqb:ACRT) has issued the following update on the company’s business and objectives going forward in 2015.

An overhaul of dispute resolution and how medical debt is reported are at the heart of an agreement announced in March 2015 that will alter how credit reporting agencies work. One credit expert called the announcement a “gigantic win for consumers.” Experian Information Solutions (EXPGY), Equifax Information Services (EFX) and TransUnion all agreed to put mechanisms in place to do such things as simplify the process to correct errors. “This is a big deal,” said Chris Jackson, Advanced Credit Technologies, Inc. “Normally, it takes an act of Congress for the credit reporting agencies to change their practices.” This is a fundamental change for the good of consumers, and it builds credibility within the 3 reporting agencies and the important role they play within the scoring system.

When it comes to dispute resolution, consumers have complained about a typically frustrating process of trying to get a mistake fixed. The problem, Jackson said, is that documentation often isn’t reviewed and obvious mistakes are allowed to remain. “It has to be given the volume of disputes, but hopefully these changes will help those with legitimate disputes to have the opportunity to get them resolved.”

The Federal Trade Commission conducted a study finding that one in four consumers have at least one error on their credit reports that could affect their credit score — and ultimately their ability to borrow money.

With all of these changes happening, it’s important for consumers to have a “FREE” option to assist them in maintaining a “good credit score” and that’s why the TurnScor Card is going to change the way people manage their money. We are launching our new TurnScor Card in the 2nd quarter of 2015,ACRT will be offering “FREE” access to the credit repair platform (www.turnscor.com) to the registered visitors of TurnScor Card website (www.turnscorcard.com) to further inquire and learn all of the benefits the TurnScor Card.

Read Full Article : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/major-credit-bureau-changes-for-consumers-in-march-2015-2015-04-14?reflink=MW_news_stmp

If you have questions regarding Credit Reporting or in need of Consumer Credit Reports for your Background Screening process, please contact us: https://sbchecks.com/