How to find those super hires that will take your company to the top!
As anyone who’s ever launched a new company, you know that when you hire people, you’re not just hiring to fill positions with warm bodies, you’re building a foundation for your company. When you think about it, there’s nothing more important than finding the right talent. Not even the product or service that you’re selling. Because without good people to build, sell and deliver those products or services, you’ve got nothing. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to help you in your search for the best talent.
1. Think remote
The future is here now and with it comes the advent of the remote worker. Working remotely has become not only vastly popular, it’s become the way a large percentage of startups (think tech) are handling their hiring. Our digital universe enables people from all walks of life and in nearly every industry to work off-site, even halfway across the world, and still accomplish all, if not more than they would if they were onsite. To find exceptional talent, consider hiring remote professionals, you’ll even save money on overhead expenses.
2. Provide good opportunities—not just a paycheck
While we all know that money is a big factor in why people choose certain companies and professions, there’s also the motivation to achieve something, to have a job with purpose. If your company is rapidly growing and there will be opportunities for added responsibilities or moving up the ladder, let potential candidates know this. It also helps to offer ongoing education or training opportunities that can help your employees grow their experience and increase their knowledge.
3. Network
Another great way to find the right talent for your team is to immerse yourself and your company in the industry and surround yourself with likeminded individuals. Attend local workshops and industry events. Cast your net far and wide by engaging on social media channels like LinkedIn and Facebook and ask all your connections to share your information. Enlist the help of those who already work with you by asking them to spread the word that you’re looking for quality candidates to join your team.
4. Look for those who fit your culture
Company culture is not just a buzz word, it’s a tangible thing that many people use to gage whether they’d like to work for your company or not. When crafting your want ad, be sure to communicate your company culture before posting. Think about how you would describe the personality of your organization. Is it laid back and casual? Serious, yet fun? Do you have employee incentives built in like Taco Tuesdays or a fro-yo machine in the break room? When you include things about your company culture in your search criteria, you’ll attract those who are most likely fit in with you and your team.
5. Be clear about what you’re looking for
Writing a recruitment ad is not always easy and one of the biggest hindrances when it comes to not getting the right responses. Too often, people include way too much unrelated information and not enough real meat. Be clear about what you’re looking for, define the position and be sure to relate as concisely as possible what the qualifications, experience and education requirements are. You’ll find the better your ad is, the more you’ll weed out those who aren’t qualified.
Surrounding yourself with those that do their jobs better than you could is how many startups are rising above their competitors. But finding top notch talent and inspiring them to join your team is not always easy. Follow these 5 tips and don’t forget the importance of running a background check. Doing so will give you valuable information about each candidate and help you in choosing the ideal person for your team. Contact us today for a complimentary review of your screening and selection process—it’s the most thorough and accurate in the business.