You Are Not Helpless (Part II)

You Are Not Helpless (Part II)

In the previous article- (You Are Not Helpless (Part I)- We touched on some ideas for identifying, screening the candidates to ultimately select the right person for your team. Now you have offered the position and she accepted it; but it is not over yet, there still...
Is Your Background Check Process in Compliance?

Is Your Background Check Process in Compliance?

Background Checks and the FCRA By now most of the business world has some understanding of how important background checks are when hiring an employee. Whether you’re a small business with just a few employees or head of a large Human Resources department, background...
You Are Not Helpless (Part II)

You Are Not Helpless (Part I )

Throughout many discussions with business owners and human resource professionals over that last few years, one common and consistent challenge revolves around staff. How to find and hire the right ones, how to train develop and keep them engaged, hold them...