Educational Fraud in the Workplace

Educational Fraud in the Workplace

Educational fraud is one of the most common lies told on a resume’. In today’s technology-based world, and the desire to make the almighty dollar as fast and easy as possible, this type of fraud continues to plague employers who want to hire the best and the...
Cover Letters in the Application Process

Cover Letters in the Application Process

Should cover letters still be used in the job market? In years gone by there were three basic components when applying for a job: resume’, application and cover letter. These days a job application may include credit checks, background checks, drug testing and...
What is the Purpose of Assessment Testing?

What is the Purpose of Assessment Testing?

The high costs of on-boarding an employee, or replacing an existing one, have caused the hiring process to become more sophisticated. Assessment testing has now been added to the process by many employers in hopes of ensuring the right person is hired for the right...
Credit Checks in Employment Screening

Credit Checks in Employment Screening

Credit checks have been used for employment screening for decades but have come under increased scrutiny in the last several years. Just as the Ban-the-Box movement is gaining momentum, the push to eliminate credit reports from employment screening is becoming a...
What You Need to Know About Identity Theft

What You Need to Know About Identity Theft

Identity Theft is on the Rise In 2001, the FTC reported 86,250 identity theft consumer complaints. By 2015 that number had skyrocketed to 490,220. In our ever increasingly electronic society, these numbers are sure to continue to rise in the years to come. Endless...