Ban the Box and Statistical Discrimination

Ban the Box and Statistical Discrimination

Statistical Discrimination There are always two sides to any story. The Ban the Box movement is no exception. States continue to sign it into law while reports of discrimination caused by the movement have surfaced.  Ban the Box’s purpose is to remove barriers...
Job Hunting in the Social Media Age

Job Hunting in the Social Media Age

Once upon a time job hunting required more than a computer and internet connection. Job hunters had to peruse newspapers, make phone calls and mail or hand deliver applications and resumes. That time has long since passed. In today’s social media age, nearly every...
The Anatomy of  Boomerang Employees

The Anatomy of Boomerang Employees

We’ve all heard that life is a winding road. Sometimes that road winds all the way back where you started. This is becoming even more of a reality in the workplace as the trend of boomerang employees gain traction. A boomerang employee is someone who left an employer...
Online Background Checks: Is Faster Better?

Online Background Checks: Is Faster Better?

The Perils of Online Background Checks  Let’s face facts. We’re an on-demand society. Regardless of how we may like to label one specific generation, whether we’re baby-boomers or millennials –  we want answers to our questions immediately. Smartphones, tablets...
The Ban the Box Movement

The Ban the Box Movement

What is Ban the Box? Though Ban the Box has just recently gotten wings and taken off across the United States, the movement actually began in 2004.  All of Us or None, an organization which fights for the rights of those who were previously, or are presently...