by SB Checks | Dec 9, 2015 | Blogs
Avoiding risk and costly mistakes starts here Every employer has encountered at least one applicant who has stretched the truth regarding their educational background or their employment history. It only makes sense since most positions have specific requirements and...
by SB Checks | Dec 2, 2015 | Blogs
Here’s the truth about background checks and how they can help you hire right While there is a lot to consider when screening applicants, the process doesn’t have to be difficult. On the contrary, it can be quite straightforward if you work with a highly qualified and...
by SB Checks | Nov 18, 2015 | General, Media
5 rules you should follow on every background check Running background checks on prospective employees has become a common business practice. For many companies, the responsibility of handling the process lies on the Human Resources Director. And while most HR...
by SB Checks | Nov 11, 2015 | General, Media
Know who someone is before you hire them to represent your company Whether you’re a small or medium size business owner or you are at the helm of a large franchise organization, protecting your brand is critical and should be considered a top priority when screening...
by SB Checks | Nov 4, 2015 | General, Media
Are you hiring employees you can trust? One of the biggest mistakes a small business can make is assuming they don’t need to run background checks on potential employees. Because in today’s highly technological world, where personal and critical information can be...