Background check error ruined woman’s reputation

Background check error ruined woman’s reputation

A Minnesota mother claims a background check mistake that labelled her a killer ruined her reputation, reports CBS Minnesota. Now, Lorie Wosmek his hoping a lawsuit will clear her name. The trouble started for Wosmek after she had spent years volunteering in the Remer...
Portland delays Ban the Box proposal

Portland delays Ban the Box proposal

Portland is delaying action on a proposal to require that most employers wait until offering a prospective employee a job to ask about their criminal background. Portland Mayor Charlie Hales is pushing the proposal, part of the nationwide “Ban the Box”...
Our Own Christopher Coomer… On The Move!

Our Own Christopher Coomer… On The Move!

Congratulations to our own Christopher Coomer who has been recently submitted as one of the Orlando Business Journal’s People on the Move. Christopher’s new position with Sentinel Background Checks is Business Development and Sales To view...