HR Pointers: How to Handle Termination of Employment

HR Pointers: How to Handle Termination of Employment

Terminating employment is a duty that every person in upper-management will have to perform at some point in their career. Even though you probably don’t enjoy the task of having to let someone go, that doesn’t mean you must dread the entire process. By ensuring that...
HR Tips: How to Boost Employee Morale

HR Tips: How to Boost Employee Morale

It has become imperative these days for workers to have a feeling of high morale with the company they work for. An article by Harvard Business Review cited a study by the Queens School of Business and a study by the Gallup Organization which both revealed that...
The Pros and Cons of Rehiring

The Pros and Cons of Rehiring

To rehire a former employee or not to rehire? That is the question. Some companies believe in bringing in former workers while others have a no-rehire policy. Whether you are a business that currently rehires former employees, or you are one that is considering on...
The Importance of Phone Interviews

The Importance of Phone Interviews

Filling an open position is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and resources to find the right candidate who will be an integral part of your work force. While face-to-face interviews will (or should) always be a factor in your hiring process, having...