Sentinel Background Checks
We help you hire faster
We help you hire safer
Sentinel Background Checks is the premier background check provider based in the Tampa Bay area and services clients across the US. We help employers and property managers make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Our services include a suite of background checks, verification, and drug screening services.
Fast growing companies and other employers turn to us when they are frustrated with their calls not being answered or returned in a timely fashion or when they find themselves under significant pressure because of slow turnaround time. They are committed to eliminate compliance risk, but their provider isn’t. They are tired of being treated like a number.
We continue to expand while maintaining great retention rates and receive referrals from our existing clients because of our strong commitment to quality results delivered fast and with best in class customer service.
We are a true one stop shop that provides real integrated screening solutions. We are ridiculously easy to work with a quick set up, no binding contracts or minimum orders.
Our clients not only stay with us but they refer others to us.
Our current clients came to us to improve their turnaround times, have access to seasoned experts to answer their calls and their questions when they arise. They got tired of their former vendors taking forever, dealing with automated answering systems, non-returned calls or simply being treated as a number.
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