Conflict resolution? Bullying? Empathic Listening?

Dr. Mark Goulston has got excellent expert advice. Dr Goulston is a psychiatrist, author, executive coach, and consultant to different companies. He published nine best-selling books , including “Get Out of Your Own Way”, “The 6 Secrets of a Lasting Relationship”, and “Just Listen”. He also a sought-after Speaker and-interesting fact-his Speech in Russia is the most popular in that country!

Listen to his advice in this episode!
Find him on Twitter at: @MarkGoulston

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About the CEO

Rachid Zahidi is the CEO of Sentinel Background Checks and President of Sentinel Data Retrieval, LLC. He is the author of the book: The Business Immunity System-The Pitfalls & Side Effects of Data Handling, Privacy Issues, & Background Checks. He also currently serves as Learning Chair for EO Tampa; and previously served as Finance Chair, and Integration Chair for the Central Florida Chapter of Entrepreneur Organization. Expert appearances and contributions include being featured on CLTV Chicago, Fox Baltimore,, Florida Trend, The Background Buzz, Octane Magazine, ESPN Radio and numerous other programs and publications discussing, hiring, due diligence and information security related topics.