Innovation and organizational change — these are two of the many stories shared by Michelle. Michelle is a host,author, and a speaker that turns experience into education. She is a consultant to many organizations who emphasizes messages and theories through stories. She tells the AIDS crisis in NYC through her novel “The Third Kind of Horse”. She promotes organizational learning through story telling accompanied with quantitative and qualitative data for a wholistic view of situations.

You can visit her website here:
and her business website here:
and you can also check out her linkedin here:
Do not forget to check out her book “Resilience: The Life-Saving Skill of Story” in Amazon and other bookstores.
Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram:

About the CEO

Rachid Zahidi is the CEO of Sentinel Background Checks and President of Sentinel Data Retrieval, LLC. He is the author of the book: The Business Immunity System-The Pitfalls & Side Effects of Data Handling, Privacy Issues, & Background Checks. He also currently serves as Learning Chair for EO Tampa; and previously served as Finance Chair, and Integration Chair for the Central Florida Chapter of Entrepreneur Organization. Expert appearances and contributions include being featured on CLTV Chicago, Fox Baltimore,, Florida Trend, The Background Buzz, Octane Magazine, ESPN Radio and numerous other programs and publications discussing, hiring, due diligence and information security related topics.