I recently had the opportunity and fortune to attend EO Limitless in Atlanta; a regional one-day conference chock full of learning, great speakers and presentations. As at the adage goes, we often don’t need to be told, we just need to be reminded and so although some of the concepts are not new, it is nice to hear them with different delivery, at various times and hopefully just in time when they are most relevant. Here are some of the favorite take ways that I could not just keep for myself from presentations:
On Branding:
For brands, and according to Rebecca Messina, stories are like currencies and good brands need to be timeless and timely. In other words, produce the right message that lasts but also know to produce the message that is relevant to a time. An example is Coca Cola’s messages in some of its ads that carry serious messages about tolerance, family or how to enjoy great moments. So we need to ask, what would the world look like without our brand?
On Goal Setting:
Every now and then, it is nice to simplify things and get back to basics as we tend to overcomplicate things such as goal setting. A perfect example is how Jim Canfield reminded us goal setting simply is: Verb+Noun+Outcome+Date=Goal. The idea is to establish clarity, focus on the execution and don’t get lost in the too many philosophical, theoretical and endless ways this process can be complicated. Avoid paralysis by analysis with could turn any person into a deer in the headlights and freeze him/her into inaction.
On Pushing Our Limits:
Colin O’brady is a two-time world record holder and that includes the Explorers Grand Slam and Seven Summits, a global mountaineering challenge to climb the tallest mountain on every continent including Mt. Everest and ski to the North and South Poles. He challenges to ask ourselves: What is our Everest? What is that big dream we want to reach or big challenge we want to overcome that at first glance seems insurmountable, yet we enough will, resolve, dedication planning and commitment can be attained.
On Failure and Challenges:
When everything is failing ground yourself in your purpose. Who are you? Really… what are the values that anchor you. Realize whether you are facing a threat or a challenge. Reframe or think: it’s whether I am going to win, or I am going to learn. Assess, don’t assume. If you are not giving your people enough information you may be creating a lot of anxiety and a lot of unknowns. Respond versus react; the former puts you more in control and the latter puts control in the hands of other people or outside factors and drivers.
Rachid Zahidi
CEO-Sentinel Background Checks